ahha! Problem solved! all thanks to the ingenuity of YEO sining. thank you! thank you!(:
2:53 AM
Well, there's always a first time for everything. haha. But first thing's first. I've realised that 1 mouth is not enough to express all thoughts and words. Hence, penning them down would be wonderfully ideal.
Cedar Guides Annual Campfire... no more :( I've been pondering over Mdm. Faridah's words...is it really true that organizing an annual campfire is becoming less of a glad and more of a chore? The answer is out there somewhere, and as much as we wished that it will never be found, reality cuts into the picture. The real picture-REALITY. And so we reminicse the last 40 years - beginning till the very end. This would be the last campfire we can call our own, our last campfire as a Cedar Guide. may the best be saved for the last. Though blank spaces there may be, let's hope that gaps widen no more and bonds forged by the blazing council firelight remain lighted for all eternity.