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underneath the stars
looking into the past.

Navigations are at the top.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
10:16 PM

it's nearing the end of our seemingly untrue holiday.
i've been out all week and will be out for the rest of it. ahh. tired. haha. but who cares as long as you haf fun? lol. tmr's candice's long-awaited bdae bash!! yay! darling if you're reading this, i bought you something...UNEXPECTED? too bad you'll never guess what it is until u rip open the package. and in case you're wondering whether it's something dangerous...rest assured, it's not a bomb. ((:

ehh. went out with yu rong and marion today to watch posiden. though we had made an earlier pact to watch below 8...no wait, it's 8 below. lol. blur chan yu. oh well, it's no longer screening in local theatres so i guess we can only enjoy the siberian huskies' company when the VCD comes out. ok...1 great thing to look forward to. ((:

and about posiden. wahh. dead bodies...that was the most memorable part of the movie other than stacy fergurson's incredible singing (seriously, she's good!). the movie also sparked my interest towards rogue waves. they're rare BUT very powerful...imagine what immense powers they possess when they actually have the ability to topple a luxurious cruise liner! that's even freakier than a tsunami! learnt a little about flash fires too. and the moral of the story? don't die on board of a sinking ship! trust me, it ain't no good experience.

after taking some time to recover from our shock, we indulged in my long awaited teriyaki chicken rice bowl!!! ok...not the 3 of us to one rice bowl! yu rong and i had the chicken while marion took the salmon. and the wait for the potato waffles was forever...yu rong's share never came. then we had choc mint ice cream because my throat was itching for something nice and cooling. oohh...bad calories. my fault!

we didn know where to go after that as all of us harboured a grudge against orchard. especially me! after what happened at the bus stop outside far east which is so far away from home, i cant imagine what it wld be like to undergo such trauma again. boo! i no like buses 143 and 124!!!!

SO...we decided to go to my old house to see gingy also known as sucker! and this time round, i can only say "Sucker, you rock!" coz my darling put on mass! haha. yeahh! fats and a layer of meat! she grew side ways! FINALLY! length-wise expansion shld have come to a stop long ago. but no harm done! you can be a tall and fat rabbit. ok...maybe not fat. but at least - healthy and not bony! ((: stay cute ok? we'll find you a way home. i promise!

ok. i think my dinner's half digested. shld be hitting the showers soon! haha. good night everyone and happy vesak day!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
9:53 PM

Late post: 9/5/2006

went out with ver, julie and wanyin today.
6 hours of shopping. DRENCHED thoroughly by the conventional rain because my handbag was too small to contain an umbrella. what luck!

oh well, but that wasnt the worse part. i am officially boycotting buses 143 and 124 because they haf inconsiderate and BLIND bus drivers who do not know how to bring their buses to a halt when they see a passenger flagging it down. YES, and I mean ONE passenger and that unfortunate soul was none other than ME. AHHH!!! i waited for 15 long minutes at that wretched bus stop that was packed with people, and those bus drivers didn even spare a thought for how i felt when they bypassed my bus stop JUST LIKE THAT! it was still drizzling. and my anger had reached an overwhelming level by then. SO...I decided to make my OWN move (though it wasnt exactly a veyr smart one). I told myself that i had to reply on my own two feet to get home and i did. NOT LITERALLY! I walked home from Orchard. IN THE RAIN! it was cold, sore and certainly exhausting. my flats slipped out of my foot thrice during the entire journey and i was almost knocked down because i assumed dat the red man would turn
green (which obviously did not happen). :(

the shopping trip today was pretty futile coz i didn get to buy any bdae presents as i had previously planned to do so. but we did take several neoprints in which half turned out horrendrous. we appeared like total zombies and the $10 just went down the drain! ahh. haha. but the other batch was nice. especially our eyes. though i looked boxed. aiyooo.

Monday, May 08, 2006
12:09 PM

YAY! the myes are finally over! what a long awaited day. ahha. and penguin was grinning from tooth to tooth. lol.

the physics paper was ok. hmm, I just hope that my judgement is correct and i dun end up doing badly after making this comment. :X

i was supposed to accompany ah maa to mount elizabeth hospital after the physics paper for a checkup. she's been complaining of a sharp pain in her abdominal area and i was wondering whether it would have anything to do with gall stones. but that sounds nearly impossible because her gall bladder was removed in a recent operation. weird. i hope it's nothing major. *prays*. but eventually, my presence wasnt needed because her appointment was re-scheduled to saturday.

so now im wondering about what plans to make in order to kill time from this 1 week break after the mye. haha. im probably gonna rot my time way and decompose. ahha, like what more can u expect from a couch potato like me? but this break has indeed come at the right time coz as far as im concerned, there are 2 bdae celebrations this week for 2 very special people. haha. shallnt mention names, otherwise i'll spoil the FUN. and can someone pls fill me in with the impt info regarding mum's day? is it supposed to be the 9th of may? or what? I need to pick a day to buy a venus fly trap for my mum! she's probably sick of handling cactuses by now so it's time for CHANGE! change is good, and i will definitely rmb to put an "AWAS" sign in front of the pressie just in case she sticks her hand in w/o realising what's actually inside. Yeahh, and i reckon that the outcome wouldnt be too nice a sight...hee, imagine getting ur hand digested by a plant. ok. u wun want to know or TRY!

ahh...and there's CIP for guides. it's been a VERY VERY LONG TIME. Despite having approached 2 children welfare organisations, little has been achieved with regard to CIP. hmm, i really hope thye hua kwan can accept us at their macpherson centres. otherwise, i wun know what step to take next. but the biggest prob is that the sec 4s are stepping down in t3wl! and that's extremely BAD. haix.

but there's 30t june! scgs campfire! one last sec 4 campfire! and we're gonna CHEER and SCREAM and rock the night! can't wait! can't wait! ((:

and of course, when reality finally comes into the big picture, the benefit of the doubt will be no more. i mean, not that im benefiting from any doubt coz i already know what to expect for my mye results. X) this morning, ms sim actually told a few of us that the chem paper was easier than last yr's and that was sufficient to leave me jaw-dropped for quite a while. it actually means that we're expected to do better and having achieved 80/100 for last yr's paper...i really don't know what to say with regard to the marks im gonna get for chem. yeahh, and i dreamnt that i got 39/50 for section B this yr (compared with last yr's 40)... ...

save me.

Friday, May 05, 2006
8:56 PM

CANDICE!! you are 16 years and 1 day old! haha. ((:

8:32 PM

ok. im totally screwed the biology paper. I guess you can only learn certain lessons the hard way. Despite knowing that positive attitude does wonders, I have yet to adopt one as such. Well, at least I know what step to take next. Time's running out-second after second. I have only one more shot at redemption-that is the Prelims. Then that's it. At this juncture, I'm reminiscing on past decisions-particularly the one I made about choosing trip sci. Ha..I'm not exactly a very BIG fan of science but I don't deny having a flare for maths. I love maths, not matter how eew e-maths can get or how amaths can drive me nuts at times. ((: haha. chemistry and physics too! BIO is too interesting to resist, but I just can't answer the questions relating to plant biology! I dunno why! I just keep screwing test after test, and exam after exam! And the most out-of-this-world thing is - I don't exactly feel upset over my failure. I try my best to pick myself up after every fall. But that effort is inconsistent. I mean, other than the exception made for my subjects of passion. It's high time I did something to change that fact. An effort on my part which is a great need.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
2:59 PM

ahh!!! disaster struck! nope, it was neither an earthquake nor a tsunami. It was something worse - SOCIAL STUDIES! and it caused LOTS of social unrest - well, at least in the sec 4 cohort. boohoo!! it's a double confirmed, triple affirmed FAILURE! f9! if only i could pass. haha. i can dream abt it though. haix. one hour and thirty minutes was certainly insufficient for a subject that requires so much analysis. I guess it's too late to say this, but i might have made a wrong move choosing trip sci. hmm...one humanitiy subject - one KILLER humanity subject called SS/GE. Not that I want to implicate GE but...let's keep the fingers crossed. pls. i beg you. simplify things! i need to pass.

I was confused by differentiation and integration. haix. 6 marks. hastiness comes with a high price. no wonder my dad says it's never easy to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances. i mean, come on! I'm not even cool (though i originate from antarctica) haha! i hope that penguin 2 did better. for now, im praying for at least an a1 so i can buy a return ticket home. i miss the ice!

hmm...i never felt so hopeless before in my entire exam life. ahh...I spent the final 10 mins of the SS paper trying to cuckoo myself into doing the questions. Alas! It was to no avail! the words "sure fail de!" just kept circling in my empty head. i didnt even know what was expected of the questions. i tried to focus. wanted to scream and rip my paper. but surprisingly, i did not. just sat there and stared. wrote some words but i doubt they made any difference. oh well. what more can i say? God bless me. ((:

maybe things will take a turn for the better. chem. haven mugged at all. it's time.
haha. yet im wasting precious time. okok. let's keep it short and to the point. im keeping my hopes high for the upcoming science, emaths and geog elective papers. all of a sudden, 13 seems so far away. ahh. 13. ahh.

