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underneath the stars
looking into the past.

Navigations are at the top.

Friday, March 30, 2007
7:57 PM

Announcements for the week:
HAPPY SWEET SEVENTEEn to samrina (25 march)
HAPPY SWEET SEVENTEEN to han wei (26 march)
crime mildred (27 march)
HAPPY SOUR FIFTEEN to my pesky bro (29 march)
yay! confetti~ balloons~

It couldn't have been a more hectic week. And like what mrs lim always says, "Thank God it's friday!" I couldn't have been more thankful. Thank you 15/07 for giving me such a pleasant birthday surprise (though the cover was blown when elaine first asked me about my cake preference as she needed to buy a cake for 'someone'). It brings back memories about how Miss Pok passed me her present last year in a plastic bag together with some serviettes. And Yu Xin actually came up to me and asked whether I was going to the canteen to join the class to celebrate 'someone's' birthday. It was pretty amusing, and it made me realise that I could play along no more. You should have seen the look on her face - utter shock. (And I am really tempted to use haha or lol at this point. :X self-discipline! press on, cheong keet!) But we had fun all the same, though it was kind of irritating when junyang dabbed pink cream on my nose. And being the kind who would "pass it on", i simply rubbed some of it on marion's face. At the end of the break, there were several baboons running around aj. And the leader happened to be known as Kelvin.

Sunday, March 25, 2007
10:08 PM

GP assignment 1 - Self Introduction

My name would probably be the one thing that people around me find most difficult to remember. Overtime, I came to be known as "Keet" around my circle of secondary school friends. It has been 4 years ever since, just like how the saying "time seems to pass more quickly when one is happy" goes. I wouldn't deny the fact that I entered the gates of AJC with great reluctance during the first day of school. Taking my first step in only made me feel like taking two more steps backwards. Fortunately, I had several close friends by my side and being in this boat seemed slightly better. But being a perfectionist by nature, I still felt drawn to the greener pastures. I thought constantly about being in the top 5 junior colleges and I pondered no less about how my life would have taken a different note had i been as fortunate as to be in VJC. Taking a walk down memory lane would show you how badly I wanted to be part of their family. I was practically 'living, breathing and speaking VJC". And at this point, I'm still drawn to that thought that has since ceased to become part of reality (fortunately or unfortunately, I still do not know and probably will not come to know). I'm grateful to a friend for telling me to make lemonade when given lemons (though i pine for cranberry juice). My world came to be that much brighter when she told me that. All I had to do was to give this JC a chance and that was all i needed to do to be happy. So I tried and gained a broader perspective. For the first time, I felt truly me. I was happy.

I want everyone to get to know the happier me. After all, a smile is a curve that sets everything straight. And I see it as a goal to brighten up another person's day (at least from now on, for I have seen too many crestfallen faces). So here goes:

I am known as Keet in many circles (but with the exception of Kit in Kelvin's circle and Kid in Fiona and Jing Xiu's circle). Otherwise, it's Cheong Keet Yeng (pronounced as "kit y-eng") on assignments, forms and my birth certificate. Many people remember me as the loud, talkative and violent girl from Cedar. It's not that I can help it but Cedar's culture happens to be somewhat like that. Hitting each other isn't considered to be violent; it's just our way of being friendly or reacting to a "lame" remark. My former CCA is Girl Guides and I was recently inducted as a Young Adult because I want to experience guiding at a whole new level. I hope to become a member of AJC's Outdoor Adventure Club as it offers a wide range of ruggard activities of which I possessed an immense interest for. I've just returned from its Selection Camp and I am currently waiting for good news (trying very hard to be positive though I am not). I also happen to enjoy kayaking, cycling and trekking. I hope to participate in such activities on a more frequent scale.

I have big dreams for the future, such as attaining an A grade for GP and entering NUS if not better. I understand that academics play a crucial role in shaping JC life (just like how it continues to be for primary and secondary education), and I plan to neglect no part of it whilst being involved in my future CCA and other activities. I also seek to improve my present lifestyle and make it balanced, i.e., adopt an exercise regime for I have always been on the heavier side and being in a physically-demanding CCA like ODAC will not be advantageous on my part. Lastly, I hope to be able to take up H3 Mathematics as it has always been my field of interest.

This is what I have to share for now. The journey has just begun and at the end of 2 years, I really hope to be able to tell myself that I love the school and would have wanted it no other way. Just like how I loathed being in Cedar initially and how much I grew to love her.

Monday, March 12, 2007
8:33 PM

ok. my bro's chicken just got slained. i mean in dota. and im just feeling particularly random. haha. now i know why i hear chicken clucks in the dead of the night.

attended the YA induction ceremony at Guide HQ this morning with man-on, chan yu and chio bu bu. over 60 odd guides turned up. and amidst them all, i managed to spot a few familiar faces. or should i say names and schools. yeahh. saw ver's hci friends (2 of them are presently in the YA council). the session was insightful. and a few of us are planning to render assistance to Northlight sec sch as they are planning to set up a guides company there. [:

after the induction ceremony, we headed back to j8 for lunch. ate at long john's and everything was fine until someone asked for the empty table next to ours. we shifted in and everything was under control until MARION suddenly pulled away the table that she and i shared. the next thing i knew was that my MEDIUM sprite had toppled! good job, marion. we have chemistry. lol. and super marion saved the day as she was well-equipped with tissue! heng ah. lol. so maluating. and that scene reminded us of wad happened over at MOS the other time round when i spilt chilli on my shorts. she accompanied me to the toilet out of kindness and i ended up spilling the hand soap on her. LOL. oh well. i guess wad goes arnd comes arnd. we can finally call it quits marion! ((:

after lunch we went to mini toons to scour for someone's bdae present! those 3 went berserk and started doing the aj rap using the sesame street puppets. -.-" it was great knowing them. lol. and the salesgirls couldn't help but stare. it was quite an amusing sight. oh well. hurhur. AJ rap rocks! :D

then i said byebye to those three and headed down to LAM YONG darling's house! my dear candice!! it was great seeing her again! ((: we did wad we were supposed to do. and talked lots of cock. haha. then we became narcissistic and started taking photos. :X and someone couldn't stop admiring her own beauty. haha. i woonder why the camera lens didn crack. lol.

i miss us!
haha. maybe i can drag lam to wisma tmr to see her erhem. lol.

Saturday, March 10, 2007
10:48 PM

some good news at long last. congrats to geena and candice for getting into rj. and ger, siew hwee, pandora, jolene, etc for getting into vj. happier cedarians. happier me. haha. [:
was supposed to meet up with wan yin, ger, sally and ghost to catch an afternoon movie. but i dozed off and only managed to check my phone at 4 plus. great. as usual. a leopard never changes it spots. so i spent the day watching my girl instead. haha.

I had a hell of a time in O2! so damn fun! haha. strepsil sales must haf hit an all time high! we were practically trading lozenges of diff flavs. got menthol, honey lemon, etc. and everyone we couldn't stop screaming and cheering!! love the fellow OGFs to bits. jaclyn, zhiyan, lek wen, wan xin, qiu rong, melissa, shermaine, wendy, wenjie, joanne, shurlene, angeline, yiming, hsien yong, darren, kar mun, kevin, hui min, wei tian, candy icebaby, mingzhu!!! JAGUARIA rocks!!! no wonder we got first. haha. yay!! WE WERE GREAT!! [:

Jaguaria, huat lah!
Jaguaria, huat lah!
Jaguaria, Jaguaria, Jaguaria!
Huat lah, huat lah, huat lah!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
8:39 PM

until you hear their stories.
then will u understand their anguish.
and the reason behind why tears constantly bombard their eyes.
the truth always hurts somehow.

i gaped at the number of cedarians who walked through the gates of aj today. never in my wildest dreams had i expect the turnover to be so big. elsewhere, others were crying, sharing similar sentiments. and i thot abt wad candice said...abt how life will nvr be the same again no matter where she ends up. and i think abt marion and her tj soccer. and all the big dreams we had for our future when we were still immersed in the sea of blue. all that. snap. gone. in the blink of an eye.
we know that we shld stay strong and unwavered by such odds. but reality has this tendency to slam us in the face. and what's left is often the pieces that are too small to be picked up. but there are always people who have been there and done that. so no matter what, we should stand our ground and be as ever-sturdy as the cedar tree. one swallow does not make a summer.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. says: sometimes, the most courageous thing to do in life. is not the holding on, but the letting go
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. says: if she thought what she had with hc for a mere 2 months was a strong bond
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. says: tell her to find me, and we'll talk about bonds with AC for 10 + years

and though the grass is often thought to be that much lusher and greener on the other side, i guess we ought to take a backward glance and appreciate what we have a little more. otherwise, the pursuit for greener pastures would be endless. let us press on and walk this path together.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. says: and u should ask her. did she ever regret cedar
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. says: cause she didnt
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. says: at the end of tjc, she'll tell herself, there's no other way she would have wanted it

and perhaps there would have been no other way we would have wanted ours. a chance is all that we need to give. then perhaps the sky would be this much bluer.
thank you cedar.
